Website Design
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Website Design


With our website design and development services, we provide you with all the tools you need to create a successful digital marketing campaign. From your audience’s first impression to the point where they convert to customers, we’ll help you craft a story and flow that compels people to move and believe in your brand.

Website Design Services

People form their first impression about an organization based on its online presence. You need to have a website design that is not only attractive and in line with your brand, but drives your audience to exactly what they are looking for. We’ve been a website design company since the early days of the Internet, and we’ll design your website to make a lasting impression and drive results

Website Design Sample - Tabora
User Interface Design (UI)

User Experience Design (UX)

Move your audience to action. To do that, you need to understand what they are looking for and provide them with an easy way to find it. You need to make your user experience smooth and enjoyable. When your audience achieves their goals on your website, they will convert to a leads and customers. Our talented and experienced UI/UX design team will help make sure that your visitors hit the spot.

Website Development

You need great website design, and you need it to function. The design and features of your website must support the goals of both you and your audience. We specialize in turning content into enjoyable digital experiences by utilizing proven techniques mastered by our designers, developers, and programmers. On the front-end of the experience, your website has to flow. On the back-end, we’ll support you with an engine that provides your visitors with everything they need, while giving you the marketing and sales tools you need to grow your business.

Website Development, Programming Code
Mobile Responsive Website Design

Mobile Responsive Website

Mobile devices are now the most popular way people access your website. You cannot afford to ignore mobile users by not having mobile-responsive site. We will make sure that your website maximizes conversions and leads through mobile devices by making it look great and work well on all platforms.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

When people are looking, you need a website that is built with search engine optimization or SEO. Search bots scour the internet looking for the best places to find what people are searching for.

Search Engine Optimization SEO

Website Development Packages

  • Basic

  • $0/mo
    • Number of pages: 8
    • Number of page formats/types: 3
    • Competitive analysis: 3 companies
    • Mobile responsive
    • Copywriting: 8 pages
    • Keyword research: 5 keywords
    • SEO setup: 5 keywords

  • Pro

  • $0/mo
    • Number of pages: 16
    • Number of page formats/types: 6
    • Competitive analysis: 12 companies
    • Blog migration: 20 articles
    • Mobile responsive
    • Copywriting: 16 pages
    • Keyword research: 10 keywords
    • SEO setup: 10 keywords
    • User profiles & Journeys: 3 profiles
    • Analytics: standard reports
    • Discovery report: basic report
    • Maintenance and updates: 2 hours/month
    • Hosting: yearly

  • Premium

  • $0/mo
    • Number of pages: 30+
    • Number of page formats/types: 8+
    • Competitive analysis: 12+ companies
    • Blog migration: full migration
    • Mobile responsive
    • Copywriting: 30+ pages
    • Keyword research: 20+ keywords
    • SEO setup: 20+ keywords
    • User profiles & Journeys: 6+ profiles
    • Analytics: customized reports
    • Discovery report: detailed plan, advanced report
    • Maintenance and updates: 6 hours/month
    • Hosting: yearly

We also provide custom development of websites, mobile apps and more complicated applications and systems.

Web Design Process


Competitive Analysis

Keyword Research

User Profiles

User Journeys


Discovery Report


Customized Plan


Style Design and Approach


Page design






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