About Content Ohana
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About Content Ohana

Inspire Belief to Create Positive Change

We’re on a mission to inspire belief to create positive changes on a large scale. Every member of the Content Ohana team is passionate about the work they do. We get up in the morning to make an impact through high quality content and strategies.

Our Background

Hyperspective was founded in 1996 with a mission to inspire belief through development of high quality content. We’ve evolved as a company with the evolution of the internet and the digital age. From our beginning, we provided website development, content marketing, videos and animation to help our clients reach their objectives.


In 2016 we launched Content Ohana to focus on the strategic needs of our clients in relation to content marketing and digital marketing. Hyperspective has continued to evolve its suite of cutting-edge experience design services at the highest end of our content strategies. Content Ohana focuses all of the strategies through automated marketing, content, social and digital marketing to bring the same success we’ve provided our clients for more than 20 years, but in an even more focused approach.


We bring our experience and dedication to every client we serve. We are dedicated to the success of our work and reaching the intended outcomes. Each individual brings a unique set of talents, offering a diversity of skills to design success for every project.


Airgas Logo
Cancer Center of Hawaii Logo
City and County of Honolulu Logo
Hawaii Pacific Health Logo
Hawaii Dental Service Logo
Hawaii Permanente Medical Group Logo
HTDC High Technology Development Corp Logo
UH John A. Burns School of Medicine Logo
Kaiser Permanente Logo
Oceanit Logo
Seagate Logo
State of Hawaii Logo
StorateTek Logo
University of Hawaii Logo


If you are someone that loves challenges and has a passion to create success in everything you do, we may be looking for you.

Interested in working with our leading edge ohana?